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Search Results for: red algae

Red algae

Red Algae Definition The red algae belong to the phylum Rhodophyta, which literally was derived from the Greek word... Read More


Algae are photosynthetic organisms that possess photosynthetic pigments such as chlorophyll. However, they lack true roots,... Read More

Green algae

Green Algae Definition Green algae (singular: green alga) are photosynthetic algae that are characterized by having... Read More


Protist Definition What is a protist? All protists are eukaryotes, i.e. organisms with a nucleus. However, they are... Read More


Why are most plants green? Have you ever had the same question? Perhaps, you’ve been told that the plants are green... Read More


Microalgae Definition Microalgae (singular: microalga) are microscopic algal species as opposed to other algae that are... Read More


Chlorophyta Definition Chlorophyta is a taxonomic group (a phylum) comprised of green algae that live in marine habitats.... Read More


Photosynthesis is a physio-chemical process carried out by photo-auto-lithotrophs by converting light energy into chemical... Read More


Definition noun (botany) The scientific study of algae (medicine) The branch of medicine that is concerned with the study... Read More


Definition noun (phycology) A phylum comprised of chrysophytes (golden algae), xanthophytes (yellow-green algae), and... Read More


Definition noun A taxonomic kingdom of the domain Eukaryota that includes land plants, green algae, red algae, and... Read More


Definition noun The scientific study of algae or seaweeds Supplement Phycology is a branch of biology that is concerned with... Read More


What Is Agar? Agar, also called agar agar, is a natural gelling agent derived from seaweed (specifically algae belonging to... Read More


Definition noun, plural: glaucophytes Any of the freshwater microscopic algae of the Kingdom... Read More

Primary productivity

Planet Earth is home to different types of life forms ranging from microscopic bacteria to giant whales and elephants. To... Read More


A seaweed refers to any of the macroscopic marine algae. They include the conspicuous, multicellular algal species of... Read More

Cell wall

The cell is the structural, functional, and biological unit of all organisms. It is a membrane-bound structure containing... Read More


Cyanobacteria Definition Cyanobacteria is a group of photosynthetic bacteria widely distributed in various aquatic habitats... Read More


Definition noun (phycology) In old taxonomic classification, a phylum of the Kingdom Protista and comprised of the... Read More


Plant Definition A plant refers to any of the eukaryotic organisms of the biological kingdom Plantae, characterized by... Read More


Definition noun A taxonomic kingdom in old system of classification (i.e. five kingdom scheme), comprised of species... Read More


Unicellular organisms are organisms consisting of one cell only that performs all vital functions including metabolism,... Read More


What are Pathogens? Pathogens are defined as microscopic organisms, including viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites that... Read More


Definition noun, plural: phycobilins A water-soluble accessory pigment found in red algae and... Read More


Photolysis Definition We define photolysis as a chemical process in which chemical compounds or molecules are split into... Read More


Definition of Gamete What is a gamete? A gamete is the mature reproductive or sex cell that contains a haploid number of... Read More


A dinoflagellate is a flagellate algae characterized by their two flagella of unequal length. One of the flagella is lying... Read More


Definition noun A taxonomic group comprised of plants, particularly land plants and green algae Supplement Plantae is a... Read More


Chloroplast Definition What is chloroplast? In biology, a chloroplast refers to the organelle found within the cell of... Read More


A biological cell is a membrane-bound structure that occurs as a functional independent unit of life (such as in unicellular... Read More

Mutualistic symbiosis

Mutualistic Symbiosis Definition In order to understand what a mutualistic symbiotic relationship means, we will break down... Read More


Taxonomy Definition The term "taxonomy" was developed from two Greek words, "taxis," meaning arrangement, and "nomia,"... Read More


Kingdom is a taxonomic rank used in biological classification systems to simplify the understanding of the biological world.... Read More


Symbiosis Definition What is symbiosis? Symbiosis can be defined as any kind of relationship or interaction between two... Read More


Herbivore Definition A herbivore is the primary consumer of the food chain that usually occupies the second trophic level... Read More

Algal bloom

'''algal bloom An algal bloom is a relatively rapid increase in the population of (usually) phytoplankton algae in an... Read More


Definition noun Photosynthetic (plant-like) constituent of plankton, mainly comprised of unicellular... Read More


Definition noun, plural: carpospores The spore that develops from the conceptacles of a carposporophyte, characteristic of... Read More

Chloroplast DNA

Definition noun plural: chloroplast DNAs DNA in the chloroplast that carries the code for proteins and RNAs essential to... Read More

Chlorophyll d

Definition noun A type of chlorophyll found in marine red algae and cyanobacteria, and absorbs the infrared light of the... Read More